Mock Trial Gavel


  • Enter Custom Text Below *

    Write the text exactly as you would like it to appear on the gavel.

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This gavel is the perfect gift for students completing mock trial, or children learning about the legal system. What better way to celebrate their achievements than with this personalized gavel! It also makes an ideal gift for someone headed into the legal profession or even family game night.
  • 6.9 in height x 2.6 in width
  • Made of wood
  • Personalization is engraved into the wood

Please include the name and text as you would like it to appear on the engraving.

Processing time (the time it takes to design, engrave, and package) may vary but is typically around 3 – 5 business days from when you place your order.

Due to the personalization and quick turnaround time of this item, we do not accept cancellations, refunds, returns or exchanges. If there are any issues with your order, please contact us.